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Coach or Administrator?
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Parent/Guardian or Student:
Contact us
Our studio location is available by appointment only. Please use the email form to send us your message and we will be glad to help!
You can also TEXT 601-633-1106
Check out the Frequently Asked Questions below...
I forgot to turn in my Picture form. Can I still order?Yes. As long as you took a picture. After picture day, images are put online for order. May galleries require a password to order. You will need to use your state ID number to find your picture on our website. Once you order late from the website, your images will be mailed to the address you provide. No P.O. Boxes. Remember, you get the best deal when you order with your original order form that is turned in to your school.
I lost my Order Form.You can now Pre-Order directly from our website for: -Fall Yearbook Pictures -Sports Pictures -Spring Pictures Just visit your school's page and select the needed link. Pre-Orders are available up until one whole day AFTER picture day, so that you can get your order in at the best price. If you're a week late, then simply wait until we send home a picture notice that your picture is online for order.
Why do I have to pay Shipping for Picture Packages?After the initial picture order is delivered to your school, we cannot continuously send late individual orders to the office. We will need to send the order to your personal address. No P.O. Boxes. Late orders incure a $7.00 shipping and handling fee.
Do I need to come to your studio for Pictures?We come to your school to take pictures. However, if you have missed your picture day (and make-up picture day if applicable) you CAN come to our studio in Petal, MS to retake your image. Please contact us to schedule an Appointment. However, this will include a mandatory $20 reservation fee that is paid in advance.
If I order late, can I still use my picture order form?"Picture Order Forms are to be used at the Picture Day only. If you cannot use our Pre-Pay order feature on our website (available up until one day after your picture day), you will need to wait for your Picture envelope to come back with your access code. This usually takes a couple weeks after picture day and will allow you to order online at our website on your school page as a "2nd Chance" order.
How long do I have to order my pictures?We keep images for the school year in which they are taken. It is better (and cheaper) to purchase your pictures on picture day, but you can order later within the same school year.
Will you send my picture to my school yearbook?We will. However, it is not our ultimate responsibility to know submission deadlines and policies of your yearbook staff. We can not garonte that your image wil be included it your image was taken after the initial Yearbook Picture Day or Retake Picture Day.
Paying with a CheckWe do accept personal checks. However, all checks recieved will be transfered upon being recieved and cannot be held. Post dated checks will not be honored. Any remitted check will incur a $40 transfer penalty plus the promissed picture package amount. For any concerns with fee's due to remitted checks, please consult your banking institution.
PrePaying Online: How it WorksWhen you pre-pay for your childs images before picture day using our secure site, you will recieve an email confirmation of your order. You do not have to send anything to school with your student on picture day, as we will already have all of your information from your online PrePay purchase. All PrePaid packages will be delivered to your school or instituiton and distributed from there. Shipping is not available for PrePay. If you need shipping, please wait until after picture day and use the access code given to your child by the school front office to place a "2nd Chance" order on your school's page.
When will I get my Yearbook?Yearbooks are distributed by your school the last two weeks of school. If you missed the opportunity to purchase a yearbook online, check with the school office, as they will have a limited number to sell. If your school office does not have extra yearbooks, check back on this site once school is out and we will offer the remaining yearbooks for sale until sold out.
Do I have to order a package?Picture packages are used for fundraising at your school. Before specialty products are purchased, you must buy a package.
Can I get a Refund?It happens. Sometimes life gets crazy and a picture just doesn't turn out right. For Fall yearbook pictures, we have a retake day. We also have a retake day for Senior Portraits. These pictures can be retaken and replaced as long as you return the original print package to us the day of pictures. Please point out to the photographer what went wrong and what we might do to fix it on retake day. If you placed your order online, please take your time, as orders placed online go to print quickly and cannot be refunded. If something goes wrong with your the quality of your prints, we will gladly replace or refund your order. Please let us know of any damage to your pictures so that they can be replaced. Refunds can take up to 7 days to process back to your card.
Touch-Up Services
Premier Retouching includes:
Remove blemishes
Soften eye bags
Soften deep lines
Remove stray hair
Tone down facial shine
Whiten teeth
Basic Retouching includes:
Removes blemishes
Teeth Whitening includes:
Teeth whitened and appear slightly brighter.

Premier Retouch Before

Premier Retouch After

Basic Retouching After

Premier Retouch Before
Stray Hair Removal:
Removal of hairs that surround and flow outward of the head
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